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The Reason This Started

Unlike most the NFTs available this one is very different. This one has a story, a very sad story but one that is leading to positive impacts. The plan behind Monte's NFTs is charity. 50% of each NFT will go directly to a charity of our choice. 5-10% will go to the Graphic designer who has created the masterpieces. The rest of the money from sales will be used in different ways; Holding events to raise money, using the money to help other family's personally, marketing and advertising to promote the NFTs, CryptoCurrency & The Books, creating more awareness.

Each NFT will have the grey teddy bear, which will always be by Monte's side. Tallulah (his big sister) gave him this the first and only time she got to meet him

My aim is simple, to change people’s lives and raise awareness, with Monte's name on this, I know it will happen.

The Original Monte - Spaceman
Total: 1/1 Exclusive Ownership

The original NFT idea: A few days after Monte passed away, I wrote a book, ''Monte's Adventure to the stars''. The idea was Monte being free from pain, he was free to fly away and be at peace. The story which goes with this NFT explains this journey with the final line in the book being, ''He’s up there now looking down on you''. I know in my heart he's up there looking down on us and making our lives better. This NFT and the collection, in my opinion, is the BEST one you will be able to buy because of the story.

We have 9 more NFTs of this style with different background and spacesuit colours.....

 CLICK HERE To find it on OpenSea

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The Spaceman Monte

This collection is giving everyone the option of being part of this project. The NFT is based of The Original Spaceman. They will come in several options, Gold, Sapphire and Ruby to name a few.

We are going live on the 5th April 2022. As per The Original Monte there will be no reserve.

CLICK HERE To find it on OpenSea

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Verify Contract CLICK HERE
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