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About Monte & His Family

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-Monte Gray Noel Munro
5th April 2021 - 14th June 2021 

This is Monte, this is the star of all the books, The NFTs & The Cryptocurrency. Although he will never experience these events and adventures in real life the books & projects will keep his legacy alive.

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- Mummy, Daddy & his big sister Tallulah Rose -

This is Monte's beautiful family. His daddy is the author behind all the books & the NFT projects. The books have helped the whole family deal with the loss of Monte and they will continue to raise awareness about Monte and the disease he had. 

Getting the message out there....

As well as being on Podcasts with Daniel Leese WATCH HERE,  Mother Tongue LISTEN HERE. I have also been on Dubai Eye the biggest Radio station in Dubai & Lovin Dubai WATCH HERE.

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